Shades of brown – lunch outfit

It has been raining for the past 2 months none stop. I miss sunshine badly and I am counting the days until Spring. I am so fed up with this rain and cold weather. Yesterday after a quick workout, my husband and I went to have lunch before we drove to the beach house. Fully dressed in shades of brown, the lunch outfit. The rain stopped for about less than an hour so I asked my husband to take a picture of my outfit.

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Sustainable fashion with Eileen Fisher

Last year I was part of the inaugural sustainable Fellowship training program with @durablemode held @parsons_fashion school of New York. The fellowship training aims to transform and educate sustainability issues in the fashion and beauty industry! This article will cover sustainable fashion training with modeDurable and Eileen Fisher. This project is one of the most eye-opening collaborations I’ve worked on in terms of providing visibility and awareness around a critical issue — sustainability within the fashion industry.

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Dinner nights in New York City

Dinner nights in New York City are never dull. The reason I love New York City is that you can wine and dine in the best places. They don’t call it the city that never sleeps for no reason. New York’s restaurants come in every size, ambiance and price point, as well in every ethnic variety. The city has whole neighbourhoods full of Greek, Albanian, Indian, Korean, Japanese, Thai and Korean restaurants. You can find every kind of food, with great views. Central Park, City skyscrapers, Central Park. Brooklyn Bridge and eating choices are endless. Dinner nights in New York city are fun and memorable.

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