Dubli Global shopping Site

*This post is sponsored by Dubli*

As you might know, I am getting ready for my wedding. Our wedding will be in Lake Como, Italy this September. Exciting as it is, it can cause substantial financial stress. I want to have a beautiful wedding and a great honeymoon with my love, however, I also want to save as much money as I can. While searching to get good deals for my air tickets and hotels for our stay, I came across Dubli.com. I started to do some research on how it works, who they are and why I haven’t heard about before? Continue Reading

Traveling in Style with SteamLine Luggage Set!

I’ve had an overwhelming week filled with joy and pride. As you might have seen it on my Instagram, this week I flew to Toronto to attend my son graduation ceremony and felt so proud and happy to see him graduate with honours degree. I have always dreamed of this trip since he left home to attend Queens University. I am beyond delighted to see him turned out to a remarkable young man, with a beautiful soul. He is an incredible human being, smart & considerate and I am so lucky to be his mother!  Continue Reading

Très Chic in Portland City

I am guilty of many things in life, but being always late is on the top of the list. If I say I’m on my way, most likely I am trying to figure out what I am wearing. Learning how to manage my time is on my to-do-list of improvement. Finally, I decided to edit the outfit pictures that I wore in Portland a few weeks ago. It shouldn’t come as a surprise but as I am typing away this blog post I realized that I have an event at 5;30 pm tonight and I am sure me being late won’t come as surprise to my girlfriend. Continue Reading