Chunky Sweater!


The weather in Vancouver has been so unpredictable lately, rain storms and sunshine in between.  I’m not sure about you, but when it’s raining, I don’t like to go out unless I have a special event to go to.  This weekend my fiancé surprised with “Madam Butterfly” opera tickets. We both enjoy opera and classical music so we try to go as much as we can during the opera season. Continue Reading

Monochromatic Grey Sweater!

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Last week I went to meet my girlfriend for cocktail hour.  It was a sunny beautiful Friday afternoon and I don’t get to see her much as we both  have to work, and by the time the weekend comes,  we both busy with our schedules.  If it’s sunny, I always want to wear my boots as its always raining in Vancouver.  Thigh-high boots are the boots of the season and they are a winter staple. Continue Reading